About LHTB

This blog is about exploring.  Exploring Boston in particular, but also any other location that warrants such an adventure.  It's for all the people, like me, who dream of getting out and seeing new things, but who always end up staying inside for one reason or another.

All my life, I've mostly lived inside my own head.  It's hard to explain, but a combination of social anxiety and arthritis-induced fatigue and pain have left me pretty isolated in a lot of ways.  It really hasn't been much of a problem; I'm naturally an introvert and would mostly prefer to be reading at home than doing anything else.  On the other hand, however, I've never really fully experienced...anything, I guess.  I moved from a small town (technically, a village) in the midwest to Boston, one of the oldest and most culturally significant cities in the country, and in a lot of ways, it's like I never left home.

Now, however, for the first time in my life, I have time, means of transportation, and money.  So, I am going to do stuff.  Stuff that involves leaving my apartment.  Stuff that may or may not cost money (but probably the latter).  And I am going to finally experience what Boston and its environs have to offer.

I plan to post at least once a week (which means going out and doing at least one thing per week).  Sometimes, if there's a lot going on, I may post 3 or 4 times a week.  It really depends on the flux of events around Boston. 

Also, sometimes there will be book reviews.  I read a lot, and books make me have a lot of feelings.  They have to go somewhere.

Comments, follows, shares, and all that are always much appreciated (especially if you have a suggestion about something to try out in Boston or Massachusetts in general).

So, let's Boston.  The sky's the limit. (And by "sky," I mean "subway/commuter rail routes.  Also, sometimes, I take the bus.)

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