Sunday, February 1, 2015

Helpful Tips for Using Public Transit


We all know the basic rules of public transit (even if we don't always follow them): give your seat up for the elderly/disabled/pregnant, don't save a seat for your purse on a crowded train, let passengers off before you try to get in, etc.  But after the basics, people become confused and angry.  Should I leave my garbage in the train when I leave?  Should I complain in a loud voice about my distrust of certain races?  When does creeping on the stranger next to me become too creepy?  Luckily for you, I've been riding the T in Boston for the last four years, and I've compiled a list of helpful tips (which is certain to be the first of a very, very long series) to get you through your next commute.  Just follow this advice, and you won't have to fall back on the unseemly alternative of conducting yourself with basic human decency and respect.